Deploying Your First Serverless Frontend



Getting Our Website Code and Updating Our Endpoints

I’m not going to make you create a frontend from scratch so… the entire frontend for the application can be found here. Go ahead and copy the files from the final demo to a new frontend directory.

We will need to update lines 7 and 8 of the app.js file in the js folder to use them inside of our site. Basically, our site should be firing HTTP requests to those endpoints to power the voting features it uses.

Other than that, we’re just using Semantic UI and some Spotify embeds to make the site look pretty.

After you’ve saved and updated all the files, run a local webserver to take a look at your project. To get authentication I’ve already integrated without too much work, make sure to run it on localhost:3000.

Try running one of these in the frontend directory to load it up:

After this, try visiting http://localhost:3000 and interacting with the site! See If you can vote on the songs! See if it updates and refreshes. If you want to join my personal mailing list you can also sign up using the authentication and I promise to send you copious amounts of tutorials. Try signing in with Google auth to see your avatar brought in (more on all the auth later).

Also notice that the voting options appear and disappear depending on the signed in status of the application.

Installing Serverless Finch and Updating serverless.yml

Now that we’ve updated our website we need to deploy it! Let’s start by installing a Serverless Framework plugin called serverless-finch to deploy static websites like this.

Run npm install serverless-finch --save-dev in the same directory as serverless.yml.

Then, open back up serverless.yml and we’ll add two new top-level sections. First, you’ll add a plugins section that looks like this:

  - serverless-finch

This section will allow the serverless-finch plugin to integrate with commands from the Serverless Framework and let the Framework CLI know where to look for the plugin. Next, you’ll add a custom section:

    bucketName: serverlessjams-lisa19-YOURNAME-YOURFAVEANIMAL
    distributionFolder: frontend
    errorDocument: index.html

This custom section will allow you to specify some configuration for the serverless-finch plugin so it can deploy your frontend. Specifically, it will create an S3 bucket for you and configure a static site with Amazon S3 Static site hosting. Then it will pop out the deployment location so you can view it on the public internet.

The bucketName you use will have to be globally unique, so if Mike A and Mike B in this workshop both really like Unicorns then one of you is gonna want to pick another animal.

The distributionFolder part will reference all our frontend code in the frontend directory.

The errorDocument section will simply allow us to redirect folks to our homepage if some other page throws an error or doesn’t exist. Be default, index.html is the default entry point for static sites like this.

With that all configured, we can run serverless client deploy and see our new website! Nice work!

If you notice the voting parts missing or the Auth0 integration failing, don’t worry. We’ll talk about that in the next section!

Previous - Deploying Your First Serverless API Service

Next - Adding Authentication to Our Frontend